HITCH is a platform that has a wide variety of categories and subcategories of electronic products available in the main retailers of 18 countries in the Americas, so you can compare prices and make a good buying decision.
Our app shows you the prices of the same item or model among the different points of sale, thanks to our advanced meta-search engine based on artificial intelligence.
You will also be able to know the comments and opinions of other users regarding the point of sale and its products, according to the brand of your preference.
We have a price history where you can see the change in value of the item, so you can identify when is the right time to buy. This tracking is reflected daily in our application.
Likewise, you will find a place to review and rate products or points of sale so that you can help other users to make intelligent purchases.
Below we present a friendly guide for the maximum operation and management of our app, with brief recommendations to keep in mind during your exploration of the platform.

Before you start, please enter your registered e-mail address and password
If not, please register with Facebook, Google or click on Register here

In case you do not remember your password, go to the Forgot your password? button and enter your email address. There you will be sent the steps to follow to recover your account.
Enter User Name
-This way we will know who you are.
– Use a valid email address, which you will need later to log in.
– Preferably secure (alphanumeric).
Fecha de Nacimiento
– Ingresa tu día mes y año de nacimiento.
– To identify your search preferences.
–Since we are in several countries and we must know your language of origin.
*Accept our terms and conditions, you will have access to them all the time


In the menu you will have quick access to the pages by dragging your finger from right to left. There you will find:
- Your user information
- Retailers
- Profile
- Favorites
- Notifications
- User support
- Terms and conditions
- Tracking
- Home
- Categories
4. In the initial screen you will be able to change the location by clicking on the flag and scroll through other countries. This will allow you to access the points of sale belonging to the selected one.
5. Within the search bar enter related words that will be arranged in the list to have direct access to the product (Img. 5.1).
6. Information segmentation filtering system (Img. 6.1)
7. The category carousel is located horizontally, scrolling from left to right. If you wish to access all categories, select «See all Categories».
8. Menu (Img. 3.1)
9. Connect with others: this is a special section for those who want to learn or learn about technology blogs or connect with technology fans.
10. A section where we link to products that you may like.

Search page: words matching your search will be opened immediately.

The filter is a segmented tool, with a selection system where the user chooses according to his preferences (Category, Subcategory, Brand, Type, Characteristics).

The system of organization by Categories and Subcategories (Annex 1) makes it easy for the user to move around, just select the image he/she wants.


Market se integra a la app con un catálogo de productos de primera necesidad y consumos básicos.


By selecting the desired subcategory, a list of products will be displayed.
The top bar gives you the opportunity to filter according to your search needs, scroll through the two bars and select the respective changes.
The list provides you with basic information such as model and price. And, on the right side, you find the favorite and tracking buttons.

* Favorites are products that you wish to purchase in the future and are saved for a future inquiry.
* The tracker will give you alerts when the price of the item changes.
14. Tecnología: Te facilitamos la forma de buscar por RANGO DE PRECIO y MARCA.
15. Alimentos: Filtra más fácil por CANTIDAD, TIPO DE PRODUCTO y RANGO DE PRECIO.

* Las imágenes de nuestros productos alimenticios son una referencia visual de la cantidad, este puede variar en marca o presentación.

*All rights reserved, images, prices and logos are those of the retailer. HITCH makes use of the material displayed on the public web pages of the same for illustrative purposes for the consumer.

*All rights reserved, images, prices and logos are those of the retailer. HITCH makes use of the material displayed on the public web pages of the same for illustrative purposes for the consumer.
14. The main page of each item consists of: Product name, image subtracted from the retailer, tracking button, favorite, share, product ranking (there you can rate the item by number of stars), best price, price comparison and comments.

15. In this section you will find the point of sale that offers the best price (best price we have to offer you from our list). Additionally, you have a button that will direct you to the product page to purchase it. In case you have more than one «best price», none of them will be shown and you will be able to see them in the compare list.

16. Price comparison; by clicking on the compare button, the retailers that have the product in their stock will be listed with their respective rating and buttons to visit website and price history.

17. The product rating comments will be found at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: at the time of entering the retailer’s website, HITCH is not responsible for its content and/or completion of purchase or warranties.

20. In all our products, you have the possibility to let us know if any inconvenience occurs with:
– Prices
– Images
– Links
(Redirection to the website of the point of sale)
– or others

* Selecting the
scores the article, review.
* Tracker will be activated showing the alert to receive the price change notification.


It is a calendar updated daily with the price registered on the point of sale’s website (this value is the retail price), which indicates the day of the price change.
You must keep in mind that the price you see published refers to the price detected on the website of the point of sale. Please validate the current price on their website, prices may have modifications that have not yet been displayed.
The page lists all the stores in your country (with website and price displayed), and gives you the possibility to rate the stores.
Click on the option Rate here, select the number of stars to rate the store, add a comment and press submit.
Your information is there. If you want to update your data just select and update.
Products that have tracking are organized and presented with the tracking button activated. When you no longer wish to track an item, just select this option by clicking on the icon. In addition, you can see in which country you track your product.

Click on the Rate here option, select the number of stars to rate the retailer, add a comment and submit.

There you will get the information with which you registered your account, if you want to update your data just select and update.


Products that have a favorite are organized, presented with the button activated and you can return to the product as many times as you wish.

Products that have tracking are organized and presented with the tracking button activated, when you no longer wish to track an item just de-select this option by clicking on the icon again.

Tracking alerts and promotions will be available in list.
This is an area specialized in responding to users and customers, according to the needs of the service.
It is important for us to give you a prompt response.
To do this you must fill in the fields with your personal information (do not worry, we take care of it with our privacy policies).
When selecting the type of complaint you can choose between:
Enter your comment and/or description of the case. Be brief (you can include product, model, point of sale, prices, country and contact information).


On this page you will find the policies and terms of use. These are of general knowledge and can be reviewed by the user as many times as desired.

When accessing you only have to select the language in which you are going to see the app. If you want to change again, go to the language tab in the side menu and click on the desired language.